Additional mentoring is available to all UAMS postdocs. The relationship between a postdoc and his/her primary mentor is extremely important to a successful career. However, while primary mentors provide scientific input into the postdoc’s research projects, a postdoc can benefit from additional perspectives on career paths and “soft skills” like negotiating and professional networking. The Women’s Faculty Development Caucus (WFDC) offers a program in which postdocs (both male and female!) connect with faculty members on campus for additional mentoring. This could be a single meeting or a series of meetings, depending on the needs of the postdoc. Postdocs who would like to receive additional mentoring can contact Emily Freeman in the Office of Faculty Affairs, or anyone in the Postdoc Leadership Committee for more information.
Professional Development
A useful tool for keeping your career on track is an Individual Development Plan.
Download one here to get started
Alternatively, try the interactive myIDP website.
Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty website.
Science Careers website of Science magazine and the AAAS
Guide to Networking at Science Careers
The AAMC feature on preparing your Curriculum Vitae, including a useful CV template.
How to write a cover letter by Peter Fiske
Several more articles on how to write cover letters.
NIH Awards by Location and Organization Find out where NIH dollars go. This is useful if you are looking for a job.
Bioinformatics Organization Career Center
Alternative Careers in Science
Bored with the bench? There are many career options out there for scientists beyond the traditional. Consider attending Career Day, held annually in the Fall. Visit the UAMS Graduate School web page for more information.
More Alternative Careers
Fiske PS. (2001). Put Your Science to Work: The Take-Charge Career Guide for Scientists. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union.